I am currently visiting my family in Russia and boy is it cold here!!

We had a fashion editorial shoot of G. Skandal's new collection "Aliens" and it reminded me of the band called Rammstein. As you all may guess their music was playing VERY loudly during this rather tough shoot.
Lots of takes, lots of coffee and brandy, since it ws -30C outside and this huge facility is tough to heat up.
3 lights were used.
Stripbox with a red gel
Stripbox in the front
Small softbox for the BG.
hairspray and lighters for the fire.
Red gels for some reason gave a blurry effect and I have to look into that.
Also the Hensel Pro lights are prety darn slow in the recycle department so the shoot went like this -
click - tell a joke. click - cry a little. click - remember a curse word... yeah. fun but not really to much of it. I wish I had a profoto with its 10 clicks p/s. :)
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