Some modeling tests - the photographer that was supposed to shoot tests for this model got sick and left the model hanging. Thankfully he has us (me and 2 other photogs) as pals and we took one for the team and did some simple test shots for this aspiring model.
I got to test my new goodies (Maxi Spot (amazing) and barn doors with a nice set of color gels by Elinchrom. Great stuff and I think these things will help me to create some interesting photos. I rarely see gels on location so it's about to change :)
anyway - i shot 10 frames with a Nikon D700 (my friends cam( and an Nikkor 85 1.4 and with some minimal PP i got this photo. I messed up the color modes and it looks less saturated and contrasty than in the psd file. I am a little confused my this, but I was told that this is because of the Nikon sRGB color modes... I have no clue.
D700 and Nikkor 85 1.4 are amazing tools, made WAYYY better than Canon 5d Mark II. I just wish Nikon had more Megapixels. I would have jumped to Nikon in a heartbeat just because of the build quality and auto focus... We shall see... muhaha )))